Rattles Unban Request

What is your Steam Name? Rattle
What is your SteamID? STEAM_1:0:69602264
What is your Discord Name and ID (Example#0000)? Rattlesnake997
Why were you banned? Personal Request.
Why do you think your appeal should be accepted?​–
Hello, I would like to request an appeal for an unban. I have gotten stuff straightened out, and honestly, miss being in the server. Been a few months, a lot has changed and happened. Plus, I’d have to ask for an unban in the Discord Server as well.

Free the drilly 10 times 8 times 9 times

Thank you for taking the time to make an unban appeal, I will be unbanning you within the next 2 hours from the discord, and server.

Update: Rocker forced me to unban you right now, therefore you are now unbanned.