NotFound.Tech E2 Smart Opener

NotFound.Tech E2 Smart Opener

In-order to use the NotFound.Tech Smart Opener, just copy and paste one of the versions into the Expression 2 Editor and save it. Place it then wire it to a Numpad Output which is set to your Fading Door Key.

v1.1.0 (Latest)

@name NFT Smart Opener (Official)

@inputs LockDoorNumpad

@outputs FadingDoor

@persist P:array Target:entity LockDoor:number PreventEntry:number


# Version - 1.1.0 #

# Settings #

Distance = 50 # Distance from E2 For Fading Door To Open! (Make this higher if you place your e2 far away from your door) #

Faction = 1 # Make this 1 to make it faction wide access! ( Unless you dont want your faction to access your door there is no reason to make this 0 ) #

Multiple = 0 # Make this 1 for your 2nd, 3rd, 4th ect. chip! (This will disable certain things that would make having more chips annoying) #

if ( first() ) {

    LockDoor = 0 # Lock this door preventing entry by everyone. #

    PreventEntry = 1 # Make this 1 in order to prevent entry to the door when someone who cannot access it is nearby. ( Means you wont be able to leave through the door in these situations ) #


# Do Not Edit Anything Below This Line! #



Placer = owner():lastSaid():explode( " " )

if ( chatClk( owner() ) && ( Placer[1, string]:find( "!" ) || Placer[1, string]:find( "/" ) ) ) {

    switch( Placer[1, string]:sub( 2 ) ) {


        case "help",


            hideChat( 1 )


            if ( Multiple == 1 ) { break }


            printColor( vec( 0, 255, 150 ), " - NFT Smart Opener (Official) Chat Command List -" )

            printColor( vec( 0, 255, 150 ), " !add (Usage - !add Players Name) this will add a player to the smart opener" )

            printColor( vec( 0, 255, 150 ), " !del (Usage - !del Players Name) this will remove a player from the smart opener!" )

            printColor( vec( 0, 255, 150 ), " !list (Usage - !list) this will list all current players added to the smart opener!" )

            printColor( vec( 0, 255, 150 ), " !lock (Usage - !lock) this will lock/unlock your door based on the value! Currently: " + LockDoor )

            printColor( vec( 0, 255, 150 ), " !prevent (Usage - !prevent) this will prevent entry to your door when another player is near based on the value! Currently: " + PreventEntry )


        , break


        case "list",


            hideChat( 1 )


            if ( Multiple == 1 ) { break }


            printColor( vec( 255, 255, 255 ), "- Current Players Added -" )


            if ( P:count() >= 1 ) {


                foreach( K, V:entity=P ) {


                   printColor( vec( 255, 255, 255 ), V:name() )




            } else {


                printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), "No Players Currently Added" )




        , break


        case "add",


            hideChat( 1 )


            Add = findPlayerByName( Placer[2, string] )


            PlayerAdded = Placer[2, string]


            if ( PlayerAdded == "" ) {


                if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                  printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), "You did not enter a players name!" )




            } else {


                if( Add:isPlayer() && Add != owner() ) {


                    Target = Add




                    if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                       printColor( vec( 0, 255, 0 ), "You added ", Add:name(), " to your smart opener!" )




                } else {


                    if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                        printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), PlayerAdded, " Is not a valid player!")






            }, break


        case "del",


            hideChat( 1 )


            Remove = findPlayerByName( Placer[2, string] )


            PlayerRemoved = Placer[2, string]


            if ( PlayerRemoved == "" ) {


                if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                   printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), "You did not enter a players name!" )




            } else {


                if ( Remove:isPlayer() ) {


                    for( PN = 1, P:count() ) {


                        if ( Remove == P[PN,entity]) {








                    if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                       printColor( vec( 0, 255, 0 ), "You removed ", Remove:name(), " from your smart opener!" )




                } else {


                    if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                       printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), PlayerRemoved, " Is not a valid player!")






            }, break


        case "lock",


            hideChat( 1 )


            switch ( LockDoor ) {


                case 0, LockDoor = 1 printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), "Your door is now forcefully locked." ), break

                case 1, LockDoor = 0 printColor( vec( 0, 255, 0 ), "Your door is no longer forcefully locked." ), break




        , break


        case "prevent",


            hideChat( 1 )


            switch( PreventEntry ) {


                case 0, PreventEntry = 1 printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), "Your door is now forcefully locked when another player is nearby." ), break

                case 1, PreventEntry = 0 printColor( vec( 0, 255, 0 ), "Your door is no longer forcefully locked when another player is nearby." ), break




        , break





FadingDoor = 0


findInSphere(entity():pos(), Distance)

foreach( K, V:entity=findToArray() ) {


    if ( LockDoor == 1 || LockDoorNumpad == 1 ) {


        FadingDoor = 0





    if ( V == owner() ) {

        FadingDoor = 1

    } elseif ( Faction == 1 && owner():team():teamName() != "No Faction" && V:team() == owner():team() && V != owner()  ) {

        FadingDoor = 1

    } else {

        if ( P:count() >= 1 && V != owner() && V:team() != owner():team() ) {

            for ( PN = 1, P:count() ) {

                if ( V == P[PN,entity] && FadingDoor == 0 )  {

                    FadingDoor = 1


                } else {


                    if ( PreventEntry == 1 ) { FadingDoor = 0 }






        if ( P:count() < 1 && PreventEntry == 1 ) { FadingDoor = 0 }



if ( duped() ) {

    printColor( vec( 255, 0, 0 ), "The NFT Smart Opener (Official) is not dupable!" )


} elseif ( first() ) {

    printColor( vec( 0, 150, 150 ), "NFT Smart Opener (Official) Initialized (Type !help for the commands)" )

    printColor( vec( 0, 150, 150 ), "NFT Smart Opener (Official) Created by RockerOfWorlds" )




@name NFT Smart Opener (Official)


@outputs FadingDoor

@persist P:array Target:entity PN Amount


# Version - 1.0.2 #

# Settings #

Distance = 50 # Distance from E2 For Fading Door To Open! (Make this higher if you place your e2 far away from your door) #

Faction = 1 # Make this 1 to make it faction wide access! #

Multiple = 0 # Make this 1 for your 2nd, 3rd, 4th ect. chip! (This will disable certain things that would make having more chips annoying) #

# Do Not Edit Anything Below This Line! #



Placer = owner():lastSaid():explode( " " )

if ( Multiple == 0 ) {

    if ( Placer[1, string] == "!help" & chatClk(owner()) ) {

        hideChat( 1 )

        print(" - NFT Smart Opener (Official) Chat Command List - ")

        print(" !add (Usage - !add Players Name) this will add a player to the smart opener")

        print(" !del ( Usage - !remove Players Name) this will remove a player from the smart opener!")

        print(" !list ( Usage - !list) this will list all current players added to the smart opener!")



    if ( Placer[1, string] == "!list" & chatClk(owner()) ) {


        hideChat( 1 )


        print("- Current Players Added -")





if ( Placer[1, string] == "!add" & chatClk(owner()) ) {

    hideChat( 1 )

    Add = findPlayerByName( Placer[2, string] )

    PlayerAdded = Placer[2, string]

    if ( PlayerAdded == "" ) {


        if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


          print( "You did not enter a players name!" )





    else {

        if( Add:isPlayer() && Add != owner() ) {


            Target = Add



            if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


               print( "You added", Add:name(), "to your smart opener!" )






        else {


            if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


                print(PlayerAdded, "Is not a valid player!")







elseif ( Placer[1, string] == "!del" & chatClk(owner()) ) {

    hideChat( 1 )

    Remove = findPlayerByName( Placer[2, string] )

    PlayerRemoved = Placer[2, string]

    if ( PlayerRemoved == "" ) {


        if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


           print( "You did not enter a players name!" )





    else {


        if ( Remove:isPlayer() ) {


            while( PN < 40 ) {

                if ( Remove == P[PN,entity]) {









            if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


               print( "You removed", Remove:name(), "from your smart opener!" )






        else {


            if ( Multiple == 0 ) {


               print(PlayerRemoved, "Is not a valid player!")






    PN = 0


FadingDoor = 0



if ( findInSphere(entity():pos(), Distance) ) {

    if ( find() == owner() ) {


          FadingDoor = 1




    elseif ( Faction == 1 && owner():team():teamName() != "No Faction" && find():team() == owner():team() && find() != owner()  ) {


        FadingDoor = 1



    else {


        if ( P:count() >= 1 ) {


            while( PN <= P:count() ) {


                if ( find() == P[PN,entity] && FadingDoor == 0 )  {


                    FadingDoor = 1










    PN = 0


InitialSpawn = first()

if ( duped() ) {

    print( "The NFT Smart Opener (Official) is not dupable!" )



elseif ( InitialSpawn == 1 ) {


    print( "NFT Smart Opener (Official) Initialized (Type !help for the commands)" )

    print( "NFT Smart Opener (Official) Created by RockerOfWorlds" )
