Management ban appeal MabeyFace

  1. What is your Steam Name? MabeyFace
  2. What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:437602159
  3. What is your Discord Name and ID (Example#0000)? monkey#4564
  4. Why were you banned? Hateful Conduct
  5. Why do you think your appeal should be accepted?​
    I think my appeal should be accepted because What I said was out of anger because I didn’t get my way 1 round and that was so childish and hateful. At the time I didn’t know how hurtful the language I used was but I realize now that nobody should ever say that, ever. I’ve changed as a person. In the past I was annoying, hurtful, rude and overall a big nuisance to just about everyone in the community. Looking back through discord dms and thinking back to the things I said when I played this TTT server I am deeply appalled at my behavior. Although I can’t exactly remember who I was hurtful to I would like to Apologize to any and all who were affected by my behavior. If I get unbanned, going forward I will try and treat everyone with respect and kindness. If it is decided that I should stay banned I am apologizing here so I can leave this server on better terms then last time. I hope I can be forgiven but if not I understand :v:
Past Offences for: STEAM_0:1:437602159
- 1 Active Ban(s)
- 0 Recent Ban(s)
- 11 Past Ban(s)
- 2 Removed Ban(s)
= 14 Total Ban(s)
Active Ban(s) - Player you just looked up is currently banned at this time
#5937 on 3/19/2023 @ 05:35 PM :
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Kanye West NotFound.Tech (STEAM_0:0:71528792) for Forever. Reason: Management Ban (RockerOfWorlds, Taullarcis, Jerome).
Ban will be automatically lifted in approx. 0 seconds.
Past Ban(s) - Player bans you should NOT count as a repeat offense bcuz they’re expired
#4401 on 10/23/2022 @ 04:25 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Kanye West NotFound.Tech (STEAM_0:0:71528792) for 1 day. Reason: Hateful Conduct
#4305 on 9/29/2022 @ 09:29 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Kanye West NotFound.Tech (STEAM_0:0:71528792) for 1 day. Reason: HC
#2415 on 6/01/2021 @ 10:06 AM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by nil (STEAM_0:0:0) for 30 minutes. Reason: Votekicked by Average TTT Enjoyr (STEAM_0:1:158117532) (Crashing The Server).
#2172 on 5/14/2021 @ 10:13 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Dr. Death (STEAM_0:0:79990874) for 1 minute. Reason: appeal.
#1735 on 3/31/2021 @ 05:20 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Ice
#1721 on 3/28/2021 @ 07:48 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by 3-98 Crabs (STEAM_0:0:420474287) for 1 day. Reason: Purposeful RDM x1 ( 1st Offense ).
#1695 on 3/26/2021 @ 01:14 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by nil (STEAM_0:0:0) for 30 minutes. Reason: Votekicked by Spooder NotFound.Tech (STEAM_0:1:156731035) (Harassment).
#1655 on 3/18/2021 @ 03:45 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by nil (STEAM_0:0:0) for 30 minutes. Reason: Votekicked by Igør (STEAM_0:1:214064602) (Mass RDM).
#977 on 1/24/2021 @ 09:12 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by nil (STEAM_0:0:0) for 30 minutes. Reason: Votekicked by Peradoxm NotFound.Tech (STEAM_0:0:93388020) (Mass RDM).
#856 on 1/18/2021 @ 12:27 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by nil (STEAM_0:0:0) for 30 minutes. Reason: Votekicked by The Necromancer (STEAM_0:0:160977093) (Attempted Mass RDM).
#400 on 12/22/2020 @ 01:08 AM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Stabidy (STEAM_0:0:16410863) for 1 day. Reason: Purposeful RDM x1 ( 1st Offense ).
Removed Ban(s) - Player was unbanned for these so they dont rly mean anything 90% of the time
#4474 on 11/24/2022 @ 09:58 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by RockerOfWorlds
Unban Reason: Unban Appeal.
#4448 on 11/10/2022 @ 06:10 PM
Ice spice Enjoyer was banned by Kanye West NotFound.Tech (STEAM_0:0:71528792) for Forever. Reason: Pending Investigation .
Unban Reason: Investigation Complete.
All Warn(s)
- 5 Total Warn(s)
#782 on 7/06/2022 @ 10:03 AM
Warned by Kanye West NotFound.Tech. Reason: HC 1st Offense, do not try to play the system
#751 on 1/05/2022 @ 06:46 PM
Warned by Kanye West NotFound.Tech. Reason: Hateful Conduct (1st Offense)
#151 on 1/22/2021 @ 11:53 AM
Warned by TrueDarkLord. Reason: Hatefull conduct will not be tollerated on the server.
#77 on 12/23/2020 @ 01:53 PM
Warned by KittenOfWar. Reason: Trolling (1st offence)
#72 on 12/21/2020 @ 10:48 PM
Warned by SirInsanity. Reason: Door Blocking 1st
Check Console

What does that mean?

Good Evening,

This appeal have been approved, but you will be on a one strike system.

Any Major Offense rule you break either in the discord or in-game, you will be permanently banned again.