Maggy T Ingame Ban Appeal

What is your Steam Name? Maggy T (
What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:561890726
What is your Discord Name and ID (Example#0000)? smoking.weed
Why were you banned? Pending Investigation
Why do you think your appeal should be accepted?​
I think it should be accepted because I didnt break any rules ingame and pretty much never break any rules ingame (even more rare if we only consider ones that actually bothered someone)

My last 2 ingame punishments were for purp rdm (which was lifted because it was false) and hateful conduct for saying the f slur and Jerome hearing it on his alt account. I basically never cause issues ingame and I only have 1 documented rdm ban that was for purping a cheater. I play the game properly, and even though I might not take it seriously I only interfere with my own game as a result. I always wait til my opposition IDs, I always make sure I either saw the full altercation before doing anything or just watch and wait until one of the people in a gunfight koses the other.

I just don’t see why me saying a singular word in a discord VC could ever result in an ingame ban when I havent done anything ingame.

Also Id prefer if this was taken by a staff member that isnt Jerome as I believe he is very biased in all his decisions.

I would like to add, if it isn’t understood why I think Jerome is biased then please by all means ask and proof will be provided. I know for a fact that a lot of members share this opinion, and therefore I refuse any action on this appeal to be taken by Jerome (in addition with the fact that he is the one that banned me in the first place.)

As a quick example, I was informed by a few different members who had spoken to Jerome in regards with my previous false ban for purp rdm 2nd offense, that he had apparently been incredibly reluctant to unban me, regardless of the fact that it was clearly a false ban. I don’t think we should value opinions over facts, and the only reason he ended up unbanning me was because he HAD to.

I was also sent a screenshot of Jerome saying “Maggy and Vaddy both caused a big commotion” which is completely untrue, and I feel only being said because I wasn’t there to defend myself.

First of all, I didn’t tell Vaddy to go and do what he did, nor did he do it because of my punishment. Vaddy was sick of how Jerome has ran the server into the ground, and how he constantly punishes Vaddy for doing literally nothing wrong other than disagreeing with him, then not giving a valid reason when Vaddy prompts him for one.

Vaddy was timed out yesterday in the discord for literally nothing other than asking why I had been banned and then calling Prof an internet janitor or something along those lines. After asking why he was he was provided no reason. He has shown me multiple occurrences of this happening and told me he was sick of it, and sick of all the staff literally being free to abuse their power (primarily Jerome) and that it ruined the server to the point he wasn’t bothered to play anymore, and quit the server.

Vaddy had every right to act like he did, because he is literally correct in saying the server is COMPLETELY FULL of abuse, bias and the like.

Not to mention, what commotion did I cause? I joined the server yesterday after zhenny had snitched on me (for no reason, at no benefit to himself, after I had done nothing wrong to him and he clearly was not offended by my use of the word.) and asked him what his problem with me was, as it was very clear to me he reported me cus he has a problem, not because he actually cared (as I have heard others say slurs in the VC while he was there and he didn’t even bat an eye) and apparently this was causing a commotion? I had literally moved to PMs with him about it after sending like 4 messages into chat, I don’t see how in any way shape or form this is causing a commotion if the majority of our discussion wasn’t even public to the server.

This is just another example of Jerome’s bias, saying that ME AND VADDY had both “caused a commotion” when I had no part in Vaddy’s actions, and Vaddy had been pretty reasonable up to that point with the amount of shit Jerome has done to him.

When you give a staff member the ability to remove someone’s biggest pass-time hobby, and they don’t even have to provide clear reasons, you’re giving someone a HELL of a lot of power. Me and lots of other people that actually PLAY the server get on very well, whereas Jerome seems to come online every few days to handle a report and that is about it. Why are the people who interact the least in the server being given the most power to change things about it?

A lot of us members have the server as our main hobby outside of work, so its quite annoying having someone who doesn’t even play on it or contribute anything to it (outside of the odd late “event” and his biased opinion) have the ability to remove you from it because of how he feels about you. Jerome couldn’t even know me, he hasn’t interacted with me enough, and I’d be absolutely honoured to hop in a VC with him and talk for an hour about why I think all the shit he does is biased and wrong, and how he doesn’t even know me, but I know he won’t do that because he is afraid I’m going to call him names.

If it would also be possible, I’d love for the ability to call and talk with the other management members. I feel like I would be able to articulate all my concerns about the way Jerome runs the server and how he treats members as opposed to staff a lot easier than over text, as any concerns or questions any of you have I can instantly answer as well as provide proof via screensharing. I understand you’re all probably very busy so even if it’s 1 at a time and only a 10 minute call I’ll take what I can get.

I also saw evidence of what Vaddy had done yesterday in the server, and immediately staff had started saying things like “Crash out King” which to me is literally trying to stir shit, its trying to make someone ( who they thought was angry ) even more angry, instead of trying to defuse the situation (i.e. by handling it as a STAFF MEMBER instead of an emotionally charged person. You all could’ve said “woah, no need” or “alright, thats enough” but instead you laughed and called him mad. Having such a poor view on handling stuff within the server like that is something that needs instantly addressed by a real Manager (I say real because Jerome also partook in doing this, and literally named his ban “Crash Out King”) which is a very poor look for the server and its staff. The fact they even thought Vaddy was “crashing out” or angry in any way is kind of pathetic and sad, you think he cared that much about the server when he was constantly mistreated? The whole reason he did what he did was because Jerome and his poorly trained / managed staff team made the server THAT unbearable that Vaddy didn’t care about punishment anymore.

I would also like to share some messages I had been sent by several long-term big name members of the server yesterday, although if I do this it will be confidential ( I will not share their names ) and I will get their permission first before sharing anything as it’s their private messages and I respect they may not want to become a target for abuse.

I also wanted to send some messages Jerome has sent into the discord before, just to remind you all of the type of person he is.

"### Jerome 07/11/2024 21:42

Shit, I have my own opinion about 8Bit, but I can’t say that publicly"
Bro doesn’t like his own staff members

Jerome 27/09/2024 00:07

Mf I hate you" In response to a player asking when we would get updates.

"1. ### Jerome 30/06/2024 23:58

I shouldn’t be laughing, that’s so mean

  1. [23:58]

I’ll force feed the retards I hate fent" Just a pretty fucked up thing to say, and also probably illegal / breaks TOS.

" Jerome 17/06/2024 22:55

I want to make people hate me more" This doesn’t have any context, go look for it yourself. He just said it out of nowhere

" 1. ### Jerome 22/10/2024 03:27

I feel nice today

  1. [03:27]

Unbanned" This is 1 of many, Jerome will unban someone if he “feels” like it, not if its in line with the rules or scenario of said punishment.

" Jerome 21/09/2024 14:10

A lot of purp rdms, i have replaced with slays recently just to be nice" He thinks replacing a purp with slays instead of a punishment is a “nice” thing to do.

heres an image of him saying he’s a drug dealer, and here’s an image of him timing Vaddy out for saying to drop out and deal drugs.


Heres an image of Rocker answering Vaddy on what he had done wrong (because Jerome wouldn’t)
What Vaddy had said to deem “being rude to staff” was “fix your dogshit server” you all should have the logs to this, as I cannot access them I cannot provide proof this is all he said.

#FreeMaggy #MakeTTTGreatAgain


Hello, your ban has been updated to a management ban and as such it follows you from discord to the game itself and does not require actual ingame fault to be enacted upon, your situation was reviewed by all management, not just Jerome, and deemed fit by them to have you removed from the community. This appeal will have to be handled by only Rocker.

My situation was provided to the other management members BY Jerome, therefore I have no clue what has been said about me, how it has been said nor granted an opportunity to defend myself. When I made my prior appeal about coming back to the discord and said “I will refrain from acting in a way that would result in punishment”, I was primarily talking about acting in a way that is actually detrimental to the server.

I joined a VC with 2 members of the community, one of which I get on very well with and another I thought I had got on well with. I said the n word knowing that neither of these members cared about the usage of the word/slurs, and one of these members decided to report me seemingly because of personal issues as I know zhenny doesn’t care about usage. I didn’t hurt the server with my actions, nor did more than 1 person hear the word in the first place as the other member was AFK in the vc.

I pretty much never hurt the server or cause problems with my actions, the majority of the community is fond of me and I am fond of the majority of the community, when I play on the server I take the rules seriously by not RDMing, not assuming something is how it isn’t when I haven’t fully seen the altercation, I interact respectfully with other members of the community and try use pmuch every moment to teach new players how the game works and how to do things that would be good to know for them (ask around, lots of members in the server have told me to shut up and stop explaining basic things because of how often I do it, but I do it for new players. Stuff like using f2 to mute living players as a spectator etc)
I love teaching strategy to new players, and even experienced players who might not know certain tech/tricks you can do. I spend most of my time on the server just making jokes with the players, teaching people or messing around ingame in ways that don’t interfere with other members play. (i.e. following people with nothing equipped, and slowly walking after them)

The reason I play like this, and interact with members respectfully is because I DO respect the community and the server. You can ask around any of the long-term players how they feel about me and they will say I am respectful, I don’t use slurs around people that I know don’t like hearing them (literail for example, I know literail isn’t a fan of slurs so I don’t use them around him) and even though I might say the odd risque joke I generally don’t cross lines where everyone can just casually see it and feel offended.

My punishments for hateful conduct have pmuch all been ones that didn’t affect the server in any way. (Like me saying the n word in a vc with only 2 other members. The time Jerome was sitting on an alt account in spectator and I said the f slur cus I assumed only Marin could hear me as we were the only dead players.) and I have never received a punishment for RDM that affected the server (it was for RDMing a known cheater that kept the report before being perm banned.)

Jerome doesn’t like me, so he has tried to find anything he can to get me banned and then try change peoples views on me. The matter of FACT is, I have done almost nothing to affect the server in a negative way, and have spent most of my time on the server creating a more positive atmosphere for new and long-term players alike. I treat people with respect, I understand that people play differently than me and respect their desires. So why am I being banned for being a problem to the server? and how have the other managers possibly been convinced that I am?

also, if any of you long term players are here right now reading this appeal/report. You might not be allowed to +1 or -1 it, but you can still give your opinion on me.

So I ask, any of y’all that do genuinely appreciate me as being a part of the server, all you gotta do is say! Just make a short reply with your opinion on me, what you’ve seen me do on the server to make it more positive, or even more negative and I will try refute your claims or apologize for them!
Don’t let Jerome be a voice for you, be a voice for yourself and say how you feel about me so the managers who haven’t got the chance to properly meet me have a more fledged out understanding.

The evidence regarding your ban was collected and presented to the management team as a whole without any evidence specific to Jerome being present, they determined that your actions within the server were generally disruptive and disliked and as such came to the conclusion to follow through with a management ban.

Okay but I am still being left very much in the dark here about what exactly happened. I don’t know any of said “evidence” how it was portrayed to the management team nor given the ability to defend myself. If you look at only the bad things I’ve done on the server (which frankly compared to the amount of playtime I have, likely makes up a very very minute fraction of my total actions on the server) then of course you’re going to have a negative view of me. The management team hasn’t gotten to meet or know me, or see all the positive things I have done.

I also don’t know how actions I have done were deemed as “generally disliked” as you all seem to have no clue on the opinions of our community members?

Also, in as respectful a way as possible I don’t think any information you have could be overly useful to me, as if I am correct you aren’t part of the management team, so you also haven’t gotten the opportunity to see anything that was provided against me. I don’t mean this in a “shut up you have nothing important to say” way just a respectful if I am correct in my assumptions, you couldn’t possibly have the info I need way, ykwim?

It would be kangaroo court to not hear testimony from the defendant would it not?

(I also should’ve posted this sooner, but Jerome had even said in my last appeal that I was on a 1 strike system. If I broke a rule in the discord, I would be banned FROM THE DISCORD.)

(Another thing that should show a management ban coming from this is kinda ridiculous)

I would also like to challenge the servers views on rules and punishments in general.

Jerome has a very black or white view on things. If you broke the rule you get punished, theres never an excuse for anything (unless ofc you’re someone he likes, as shown by him not punishing his staff for the things he punishes members for. Which needs to be taken as seriously as it should be, because this is literally the same as saying “hey, these people mean more to us, since they have decided to apply for a role in the server. Therefore, they are exempt from punishments that you aren’t exempt from”) This is just a terrible way to look at anything, Jerome sees replacing “purp rdms” as slays to be a “nice” thing to do, as opposed to just seeing that everyone makes mistakes and sometimes people didn’t actually intend to ruin someone elses game with their actions.

The fact this is how every punishment is dealt on the server, its no wonder we have so little players that have never received a punishment.

In addition, a lot of the time when players report another for an action. They are reporting a PERSON they dislike, as opposed to specific BEHAVIOR that that person has done (i.e. what they are reporting them for) It’ll be hard to give examples of this, but its something I’d argue pretty much everyone on the server does. People will seldom report someone for something unless they dislike that person, not the actions.

I also genuinely will come forward and admit, I think I can name 1 time that I have actually potentially damaged the server and this is the only 1 time I can think of. When I drew a swastika with my skullukis, in full display for anyone playing to see. However, I have never repeated this poor choice as of since, whilst still using my skullukis for 99% of my playtime since that happened. I do genuinely apologize for this again, and have learned from my mistakes which hopefully should been evident by the lack of it happening again. This is the only time I can think of though that I have done something publicly on the server in front of everyone that could’ve offended people.

On the other hand, I have said countless times in the discord server that I only play for the community. That I love interacting with people and that I couldn’t care less about TTT itself (although yeah I do sometimes try on my t rounds, I don’t care when I lose massive gambles or care about the fact I have literally nothing in my inventory after about 3/4 months of playing) And overall my messages should reflect that.

Thank God i left lmao

Hey all,

In the short while since my last message I have thought a lot about the server and my punishment and must state again that I truly do not understand how my actions resulted in a management ban. I do express regret for some of the language I used on the server, and for the over-the-top edgy jokes like drawing a swastika with skullukis.
However, I still cherish lots of the players on the server, and the hobby that it gave me. When getting home from work I saw the server as a way to wind down and have some like-minded people I can chat nonsense to. I must reiterate too that I feel like the contributions I made to the server as a member of the community heavily outweigh the detriments, and whilst I still don’t agree with quite a lot of different rules and ways things are dealt with on the server, I’m now fully willing to accept that as what it is and not “push it” anymore.

I also want to add that I have only received I believe 1 punishment (possibly 2) for RDM in my time on the server, and no other punishments for actual ingame actions (other than obv the swastika)

Intent should be a major part of gauging what punishment would suit what rulebreak. I never had truly bad intent on the server, and never wanted to make it less enjoyable for anyone else (which I would argue I haven’t done, I feel like I have made it better for some and not made a difference to others)

I hope that this is looked at and genuinely considered, as I truly do miss the community.
