What is your Steam Name? Lynx_slayer
What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:91581992
What is your Discord Name and ID: Lynx_slayer
Why were you banned? I don’t know… I was being accused of scamming, but I wasn’t, and then got insulted by DaNecromancer, so I insulted him back… and apparently, that means a ban
Why do you think your appeal should be accepted? I did nothing wrong?
Note: i just spent $50-ish on this game, and the community is shocking and if I’m going to stay banned, no point in me staying here. I might as well do a charge back on Paypal…
Apparently i am being accused of saying the F** yet i did not even say that word? and apparently there is a screenshot of it and if so that has been edited in.
Just an FYI, you can’t call anyone this word, I am willing to unban you, if you can promise me that you will never say it again, and also you followed up saying you did not know what it meant, so thats why I am including the definition.