Blinker city ban appeal

What is your Steam Name? blinker city apartment 40k/mon
What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:40955144
What is your Discord Name and ID (Example#0000)? built__different
Why were you banned? alt trading - i traded shit with my friend back when i used to play and came back to the server months later to a ban. i never alt traded and you can ip check if you need to but i don’t even own an alt account
Why do you think your appeal should be accepted?​ I don’t even know what happened that could flag as alt trading but i can say without doubt that i didn’t alt trade. i was an active player in the community on and off under the previous username of built different and i’ve had a presence on every Moat clone for years now without ever having an alt accusation. and i honestly don’t mind what it takes to be unbanned even if i get wiped or something. i just wanna enjoy the server with my friends.

Denied, multiple steamIDs, and IPs are connected to your account for duping and alt trading.