Another Maggy T Ban Appeal

What is your Steam Name? Maggy T (
What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:561890726
What is your Discord Name and ID (Example#0000)? smoking.weed
Why were you banned? Purp RDM 2nd Offense
Why do you think your appeal should be accepted?​
Multiple trusted long-term players were online and witnessed what happened, and in particular Peeping Turtle can stand up for me when I say this

Basically, we were on dolls and me Bvark and a few others were playfully arguing (or to my knowledge it was playful) and I challenged him to a 1v1, randomly while my back is turned he starts firing at me (ARDM) and I turn around, and instantly dome him. The next round, he sees me before I see him and he gets the kill (RDM) but I do not report as obviously we have begun 1v1ing.

A few rounds later, I see him first and 1 tap his head on both of our inno rounds, I said something along the lines of “ez git fucked 1 tap” (I was also 1v1ing peeping at the time, and would say very similar shit when killing him) and all of a sudden Bvark reports me and keeps it, even though

  1. It was his inno round
  2. He had been ardming/rdming me which I didnt report because:
  3. We had agreed to 1v1
    Charbander was the one that handled this report, and I’m psure he was told afterwards the situation (he couldn’t have known beforehand, not blaming char in any way shape or form) but obviously I still have to go through the appeal process.

Finally, I wanted to add that I only have 1 previous purp rdm offence, of which was me RDMing a known cheater that was banned not even 15 minutes after I RDMed him. I have no other history and don’t hop on just to randomly kill players.

Me, Maggy, and Bvark were rdming eachother for at least two maps when Bvark reported Maggy. I tried to get Bvark to forgive it multiple times and he ignored me. When I pushed long enough Bvark finally told me that “the 1v1 was over”. With no indication of it being so. I don’t wanna pick sides because they’re both my friends but Bvark keeping that report was pretty whack. I have no evidence of this altercation its just heresay on my end.


Upon further review, we will be unbanning you.


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